Original Land Titles of Delaware


Commonly Known as


The Duke of York Record.


Note.‑‑The numerals appearing in parenthesis throughout the text indicate the manuscript pages of the Record.)

Note.‑Page I of the Record is in Old Holland Dutch, the translation being

on the following page. This printed transcript begins, therefore, with page 2 of

the Record , being the translation of page 1.)


No. i.




We Willem Kieft, Director General, and Councilors, in the name of the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands, of his Highness of Orange, and of the Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company residing in New Netherland, Witness and declare hereby that we on the day of the date hereinafter mentioned have granted and permitted to Abraham Planck, Symon Root, Jan Andriesen and Pieter Harmensen to, settle on the South River of New Netherland, and take possession of the lands situate on the said river obliquely opposite, to the Islet called 't Vogele Lant (the Birds' Land), of which lands they are authorized to appropiate to themselves One hundred Morgen,* to establish there four Farms or Plantations and begin to cultivate the same within a year from this date, or sooner if it be possible, on pain of losing this their grant. Upon condition that the aforesaid persons, or such as might get their grant, acknowledge the Honorable Lords Directors aforesaid as their Lords and Patrons under the sovereignty of their High Mightinesses, and provided they willingly sumbit themselves to all such charges and duties as by the aforesaid Lords are already or still shall be determined upon. Constituting therefore aforesaid Abraham Plarick, Symon Root, Jan Andriesen and Pieter Harmensen, to take, in our place, real and actual possession of the aforesaid One hundred Morgen land, giving them full power, authority and special command to accept, cultivate and use the aforesaid land, situate in the aforesaid South River, as they do their own patrimonial lands and effects; we the

*A "Morgen" was equal to about three acres.‑Translator.



The Duke of York Record (translated at the ….. order ot the Del Assembly in …. Confirmed the ownership of land by the Dutch citizens after the land was taken over by the English

THE DUKE OF YORK RECORD.                                7


Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Councilors, Witness and declare that we on this day, the date hereinafter mentioned, have granted and bestowed upon Thomas Broen, A Plantation situate on the South River of New Netherland below Fort Casamier, adjoining on the East side Cornelis Teunisse, wide on the South side towards East eighteen Rods, on the East side alongside Simon Leem about North North‑West one hundred and thirty‑two Rods and alongside Cornelis Teunissen's about South South‑East long one hundred and thirty two Rods; amounting together to 2046 Rods. Upon the express conditions and provisos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland on the 12th of April, Anno 1656


No. A.

[Grant for lot adjoining 30 The Strand]

Peter Stuyvesant in the name of the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the Honorable gendemen the *Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their Dependencies together with Honourable Gentlemen of the Council Witness and declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have given and granted to Andries Hudden one Lot for a house and garden situate on the South River of New Netherland near Fort Casamier being in number the Fifteenth and landed to the Northward of the lot of Ian Andriessen and to the Southward of the Lot of Sander Fenix, is in Breadth on ‑the Street Sixty two Feet Rynland Measure, & on both sides Three hundred Feet, and in the Rear fifty six Feet, with express conditions & Provisos &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland the 30th November Anno 1656.


No. 5.


(6) Peter Stuyvesant in behalf of the High and Mighty Lords, the States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentlemen the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director General of New Netherland‑, Curacao, Bonayro, Aruba and its Appendencies together with the Honourable the Gentlemen of the Council Witness and declare that we on the Day of the Date hereunder written have given and granted to Jacob de Hinst two Lots situate on the South River at Fort Casamier, the one being in the first Row in No. the Eighteenth is wide in Front two and sixty Feet in the Rear six and fifty Feet, and in Length on both sides Three hundred Feet; the other in the second Row being in No. the sixty‑seventh is wide in Front six and Fifty Feet, and in the Rear six and fifty Feet, long on both sides three hundred Feet with express conditijoinons & Provisoes &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland the 25th August Anno 1656.




[Charles II, restored to the throne after defeat of Cromwell, gives to his brother in 1664 Maine, Massachussetts, Connecticut, New York\, and to the east side of Delaware Bay (New Jersey). Original Land Titles in Delaware, UD F167.D31, Wilmington, 1903)].





Grant to the Duke of York, Dated 12th March Ao. 16, Car, 2d, 1664.


(Book of Patents, No. 1, 1664 to 1667,139.)


CHARLES THE SECOND by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know yee that wee for divers good Causes and Consideracons us thereunto moving, Have of our especiall Grace certaine knowledge and Meere motion given and Granted And by these presents for us our heirs and Successors Do give and Grant unto our Dearest Brother James Duke of Yorke, his Heires and Assignes, All that part of the Maine Land of New England, beginning at a Certaine place called or knowne by the Name of St. Croix next adjoining to New Scotland in America, and from thence extending along the Sea Coast, unto a certaine place called Petuaguine, or Pemaquid, and so up the River thereof, to the furthest head of ye same as it tendeth Northwards, and. extending from thence to the River of Kinebegui and so upwards by the shortest Course to the River Canada Northward, And also all that Island or Islands commonly called by the severall. name or names of Matonacks, or Long Island, situate lying and being towards the West of Cape Codd, and ye narrow Higansetts, Abutting upon the Maine Land between the two Rivers there called or knowne by the severall names of Conecticutt and Hudsons River, together also with the said River called Hudsons River, and all the Land from the west side of Conecticutt, to ye east side of Delaware Bay And also those severall Islands cailed or knowne by the Names of Martins Vinyard and Nantukes, otherwise Nantukett, Together with all ye Lands, Islands, Soyles, Rivers, Harbours, Mines, Minerals, Quarryes, Woods, Marshes, Waters, Lakes, Fishings, Hawking, Hunting and Fowling, and all other Royalltyes, Proffits Commodityes, and hereditam'ts to the said severall Islands, Lands. and premissses belonging & appertaining, with theire and every of theire appurtenances, And all our Estate Right, Title, Interest, benefit, advantage, (35) Claime and demand, of in or to the said Lands and premisses, or any part or parcell thereof, And the Revercon and Revercons, remainder and Remainders, together with the Yearly, and other ye Rents Revenues and proffits, of all and Singular the said premisses and of every part and parcell thereof, To have and to hold all and singular the, said Lands, Islands, hereditam'ts and premisses, with their and every of their appurtenances, hereby given and Granted, or herein before…

To hold the same to my own proper use and behoofe, with Power to Correct punish, par­ don Governe and i ule ye Inhabitants thereof by myselfe or such Deputyes, Comm "hers or Officers as I shall think fitt to appointe, as by his majesties' skid L'res Pattents, may more fully appeare; And whereas I have conceived a good opinion of the Integrity, prudence, Ability and fittness of Richard Nicholls Esq. to be Employed as myDeputy there. I have therefore thought fitt to Constitute and appointe and I do hereby Constitute and appointe him the said Rich­ ard Nicolls Esq. to be my Deputy Governour within the `nds Islands and places aforesaid to performe and Execute all

the Lands Islands and places afores"aid to performe and Execute ail `d evry the Powers which are by the said Letters Pate , nts granted

unto me to bee Executed by my Deputy Agent, or Assigne To have nd to hold, the said place of Deputy Governour, unto the said Richard icolls Esquire during my will and pleasure onely, Hereby willing and equiring all and every the Inhabitants of the said Lands Islands and laces to give Obedience to him the said Richard Nicolls Esq. in all `ings according to the Tenor of his Majesties said Letters Pattents; nd the said Richard Nicolls Esq. to Observe follow and Execute uch Orders and Instructions, as bee shall from time to time receivefrom myselfe. Given under my hand and Seale at Whitehall this sec­ond day of Aprill, in the Sixteenth Yeare of the Raigne of our Sov­eraigne Lorde Charles the second by the Grace of God King of Eng­land Scotland France and Ireland &c. Anno Domini 1664



By Command of his Royal Highnesse,


W. Coventry.






THE DUKE OF YORK RECORD                                      21


Course to the River Canada Northwards, and also all that Island or

Islands Commonly called by the severall name or names of Matonacks

or Long Island, situate lying and being towards the West of Cape

Codd and the Narrow Higansetts, abutting upon ye Maine Land be­

tween the two Rivers there called or knowne by the severall names of

Connecticutt and Hudsons River, together also with‑the said River

called Hudsons River, and all the Land from the West Side of Con­

necticutt River, to the East Side of Delaware Bay, and also all those

severall Islands called or knowne by the Name or. Martin Vinyards &

Nantukes, otherwise Nantuckett, Together with all the Lands, Islands,

Soyles, Rivers, (4o) Harbours, Mines, Mineralls, ‑ Quarryes, Woods,

Marshes, Waters, Lakes Fishings Hawking Hunting and Fowling

and all other Royalltyes, proffits, Commodityes, and Hereditaments

‑to the said several Islands Lands and premisses belonging and apper­

taining with their and every of their appurtenances, To hold the same

to my own proper use and behoofe, with Power to Correct punish, par­

don Governe and i ule ye Inhabitants thereof by myselfe or such

Deputyes, Comm "hers or Officers as I shall think fitt to appointe,

as by his majesties' skid L'res Pattents, may more fully appeare; And

whereas I have conceived a good opinion of the Integrity, prudence,

Ability and fittness of Richard Nicholls Esq. to be Employed as my

Deputy there. I have therefore thought fitt to Constitute and appointe

and I do hereby Constitute and appointe him the said Rich­

ard Nicolls Esq. to be my Deputy Governour within the

Lands Islands and places aforesaid to performe and Execute all

the Lands Islands and places afores"aid to performe and Execute ail

and every the Powers which are by the said Letters Pate , nts granted

unto me to bee Executed by my Deputy Agent, or Assigne To have

and to hold, the said place of Deputy Governour, unto the said Richard

Nicolls Esquire during my will and pleasure onely, Hereby willing and

requiring all and every the Inhabitants of the said Lands Islands and

places to give Obedience to him the said Richard Nicolls Esq. in all

things according to the Tenor of his Majesties said Letters Pattents;

And the said Richard Nicolls Esq. to Observe follow and Execute

such Orders and Instructions, as bee shall from time to time receive

from myselfe. Given under my hand and Seale at Whitehall this sec­

ond day of Aprill, in the Sixteenth Yeare of the Raigne of our Sov­

eraigne Lorde Charles the second by the Grace of God King of Eng­

land Scotland France and Ireland &c. Anno Domini 1664



By Command of his Royal Highnesse,


W. Coventry.




THE DUKE OF YORK RECORD.                                     159


A Confirmation granted to Oita Towson, for a parcell of land at Delaware.


Francis Lovelace, Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Olla Towson in his owne right containing in breadth by ye ryver syde twenty five rods then runing in length into ye woods three hundred rod. It is in breadth behynde to ye North West twenty rod being bounded to ye East upon I:ucus Pieterse and to ye West upon Gerritt Sanders land. Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd Olla Towson &c. The Patent is dated May ye 28th 1669. Quitt rent 1 bushell.


Fo. 13.




[Confirmation of grant for lot that according to Jeannette Eckman corresponds to 30 The Strand, though it would appear the the church should be to ye west, not ye east]

A Confirmation granted to Bernard Eken for a house and garden in Delaware."                                           

Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain house and garden in ye towne of New Castle upon Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Bernard Ekon in his owne right the sd garden containing in breadth sixty foote and ye church yard to ye east with Isaack Fynes and to the North with ye Mart. Now for a confirmation unto him ye said Bernard Ekin &c. The pattent is dated May YC 28th 1669. The quitt rent 1 bushell.


FO. 14.


A Confirmation granted to Bernard Ekon, for a certaine plantation at Delaware,


Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine (219) plantation at Delaware now in yee tenure or occupation of Bernard Eken in his owne right being bounded on ye West with ye land belonging to Pieter Dewitt and on ye East with ye Marsh that runnes to ye Horse neck or Paerden hook and ye woods and inward with Juriaen johnsons land comonly called ye Hay Makers' Hook, containing in breadth by ye ryver side one hundred rod runing into ye woods North west three hundred rod or thereabout together with ye meadow ground or valley lying before ye sd land or plantation. Now for a confirmation unto him ye A Bernard Eken &c. The Patent is dated May ye 28th 1669? The Quitt rent one bushell.


Fo. 14.


A Confirmation granted to Simon Jansen and Mattys Berckelse for a Parcell of land at Delaware.


Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land at Delaware lyeing and being upon ve crane hook on ye south West syde thereof by a chanell falling into ye ryver runing in length into ye woods 6oo rod in breadth before to ye land of Laats Toorsen ‑sixty rod and so by ye land of ye said Laats Toorsen, then again into ye woods six hundred rod, being in equal breadth behind a's before and containing all ye meadow ground and swamp or creupel Bos within ye compasse before described to ye ryver syde which A parcell of land belongeth to Simon Jansen and Mattys Berckelsen in